CSP-101: Fundamental Computer Science & Java Programming

Learn fundamental computer science and Java-oriented programming (OOP) from beginning. No previous programming experience required. Our experienced and certified teaching staff will guide and lead you to know and master everything of fundamental computer sciecne such as number systems and boolean algebra, core Java: building blocks, object-oriented concepts, date types, flow control, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract, interface, modifiers, data structures etc. Note: the course duration includes class time and practice/exercise time.
20 hours
(4 days)
Fees (US$)
Write Java object-oriented programs using an IDE (jGRASP, VSC, Eclipse)
Understand four-pillars of core Java object-oriented concept
Understand differences between class vs object, method pass in by value vs pass in by reference
Know how to use File I/O to read and write data content
Know how to use different data types, loops, flow controls with conditions
Understand and know how to work with 1-D and 2-D arrays
Understand and know how to work with dynamical array using ArrayList
Understand number systems and perform conversions
Understand boolean algebra, laws and perform operations
Basic Windows OS knowledge such as file explorer, software installation, service start/stop/restart etc. Lunix/Unix knowledge or experience is a plus but not required.
Number Systems
- Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal & Hexadeciamal)
- Number System Conversions
Boolean Algebra
- Boolean Algebra Operators
- Boolean Algebra Laws
- Evaluate Boolean Algebra Expressions
- Simplify Boolean Algebra Expressions
Java Basics
- Overview
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Object and Object-Oriented
- Basic Data Types: Primatives and Object Types
- Code Flow Control and Boolean Expressions
- Iterations and Types of Loops
- Handle Date and Time
- Attributes, Constructors and Methods
- Regular Expressions
- File I/O
Java Object-Oriented
- Inheritance
- Overriding and Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation and Modifiers
- Abstract Class and Interface
- Package
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Array, Stack, Queue, List, Set, Map, Tree
- Sort and Search
- Conversions
- Recursions