You will learn all major Python components that are essential for rapidly developing high-quality applications, web, workflows, connect to SQL/NoSQL databases, perform data analysis using Eclipse/PyDev and Anaconda platform.
20 hours
(4 days)
Fees (US$)
To understand interpreter-based scripting language and why Python is among the most useful ones.
To learn basic building blocks of Python programming.
To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programming.
To learn Python packages and modules.
To learn object-oriented programming in Python.
To learn how to use functions to make Python programming more efficient.
To learn File I/O in Python.
To learn exception handling in Python.
Python Basics
- Python Classes and objects
- Work with JSON in Python
- Work with Regular Expressions in Python
- Python Exception Handling
Python SQL
- Define Database Objects
Python NoSQL
- Create Repository Collections
- Manipulate Data in Collections