FPL-401: Develope a n-Tier Web Application (Internship)

You will work either alone or join a team to learn and practice how to design and develop a full-fledged product-like multi-tier web application using state-of-arts technology, methodology and tools such as universal modelling language (UML), Java Spring/Spring Boot, RESTful, MVC, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular or React, Kafka Messaging Queue, SolrCloud, Git, SQL or NoSQL etc. The course can be used as part or whole of an internship program. Students are recommended to complete prerequisite courses including Java 101-201, Web 101-201, SQL 101-201. Completion of 301 courses is plus.
20 hours
(4 days)
Fees (US$)
Learn modelling of enterprise web application
Learn to define and develop data model and schema
Learn to define and develop user interface using an modern framework
Learn to define and develop RESTful API
Learn to define and develop service modules that contain business logic
Learn to define, develop and execute unit and integration testing
Learn DevOps pipeline
Web 101, Web 201
Java 101, Java 201
SQL 101, SQL 201